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All right. Welcome to this entrepreneur, the mental straining. My name is Peter and I will be your instructor for this course. This trading really starts off as a fundamentals so it has no prerequisites. I’m going to take it from scratch. You need no knowledge of Netapp and you need no knowledge of storage protocols. The only thing that you should be familiar with is the functionality of an Ip address, a disk drive and an operating system. That’s it. It’s never my intention to insult your knowledge or anything of the kind in any way, but I just want to make sure that you will benefit from this training. Even if you have no net up experience at all, the training is constructed as follows. We’ll do a bit of theory and we’ll be using slides to do that. Then there will be a demo or a lab or whatever you want to call it in which we actually do what we have talked about.

So by the end of this training you should have a solid basis for administering and Netapp type environment no matter what the scale. I’ve tried to make presentations of 10 minutes, but sometimes they are a little bit longer or a bit shorter, but the average length is 10 minutes. It would be very handy if you’d have your own lab environment. If you don’t, then I will guide you in setting one up. So we’ll first set up a single node cluster, which we will later scale out to a two node cluster. If at any time during the training you have a question or remark, you can always post Mi and I will usually answer within 24 hours if required. Also suggestions that would improve this training are very welcome.

Okay. After this introduction we talk, we will have a look at the contents, but first off it is going to be a training with two different levels in ever one. We will have a look at the basics of the most important features, so that will be this management volumes and networking. Then the same topics and more will be explored further in level two so you could be a real novice at the start of this training, but by the end you will be a junior administrator to the least. So let’s first have a closer look at the topics.

Okay. In module one, we will set up a lab environment with a single node cluster, so I will guide you in the deployment of the optech simulator. Then we’ll have a look at the disadvantages of clients having their data on local drives and why storage arrays are a better alternative. Then we’ll have a look at what all type really is and we’ll run off those commands in the module about this to aggregates. We will be assigning disks and we will talk about aggregates and create one. After that we’ll talk about volumes and how to basically manage them. Then we’ll have a look at networking by creating logical interfaces for client exes. After that we will have finished level one and we will then add a second note of the cluster. We’ll have a closer look at the different shells that Netapp offers and the moods of the cluster show.

There’s a number of protocols that clients can use to store that data. And we think of NFS, CIFS or SMV five gen five gen over ethernet and iSCSI aggregates volumes and networking will be visited for a second time, but now more advanced. And after we are up to speed, we will configure three protocols at the cluster side as well as at the client side. And the last module is a lawful and snapshots WAFL is the file systems and is used in Ontario. And snapshots are a very famous and important technique that can be used to restore files or to create backups from. So my suggestion is that we stopped.

  • Introduction

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